Here are a few commands for the OpenVZ usage. They are in no particular order, and also expects bash as a default shell for the memory calculations.
Tag Archives: Linux
OpenVZ and VMWare Tools on Centos 6.2
Over past couple of years I was using OpenVZ and as excellent low cost solution for Linux services separation and every time I was installing it I had to Google the necessary steps. This led me into writing this simple guide to speedup my future setup.
Tips and Tricks for Linux
Here is an unordered collections of things which I either like to share or keep forgetting so I need to write them down somewhere 🙂
ReiserFS již nikdy více
Na domácím fileserveru, který používám pro zálohování svého serveru a noteboků jsem právě kvůli rychlosti nasadil ReserFS ve verzi 4. Zhruba 2 roky jsem nepozoroval žádné problémy, ale pak jsme se přestěhovali a momentálně nám zhruba jednou měsíčně vyhodí pojistky. Continue reading
After that I decided to learn at least absolute basics of the Vim to be able to do the most important work. As you are probably guessing it was switching to the insert mode (i), back (esc), saving the changes (:w) and exit the editor (:q, :q!). It was what I was using next few years and never was imagining use ever more. I was more then happy with the Midnight Commander’s internal editor and when the machine did not have the mc installed I used Vim just as the very last instance. Continue reading